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I have a passion for creating ensemble productions in unusual, unpredictable spaces. Some of the productions featured here I have directed, or led, some I co-directed, some I actor-managed-produced, some were experiments in having no director. Each one has been included here because I have felt responsible for making it happen, (or, in the case of Hamlet, in a large way responsible for the show turning out the way it did). I like making work that is funny and heart-breaking and poetic. I like making an audience feel welcome and involved, but not necessarily comfortable. In leading a show, I encourage a meticulous level of work on the text, combined with heroic levels of courage and passion and searing honesty. I'm a big believer in collective, experimental processes.

The two greatest influences on my work have been Stuart Devenie, who mentored me through my time running Peripeteia in New Zealand, and Tim Carroll at The Factory, as well as a summer training at Shakespeare's Globe during Mark Rylance's tenure. Some of the productions listed here existed over more than six months with many performances, others only for a night or two. Some had support, some were held together with hope and soup and dressing up boxes in freezing rehearsal rooms.


This is an archive of fleeting glimpses of many wild, sweet, ephemeral moments striving for the impossible. I'm grateful for all of them.

Education work in theatre has included:

Central School of Speech and Drama: with students in Masters in Acting (Contemporary) and Masters in Writing for Broadcast, Stage and Media

Shakespeare's Globe: Education Practitioner since 2009 on a range of workshops and community projects including Lively Action, Our Theatre (Dream, The Tempest), Youth Theatre, Gosden House, Nursery and others

Assistant Director to Tim Carroll on The Two Gentlemen of Verona with Rutgers University students (also at the Globe)

Teaching at a range of universities and drama schools across the USA whilst on tour with Hamlet (AFTLS)

Directing The Merchant of Venice at Lady Nafisa School for Reflect Productions

Assistant Director to Leila Crerar onTwelfth Night for the Mid Wales Music Trust at the Willow Globe

Directing The Winter's Tale for the second year actors at Fonact, Fontainebleau School of Acting

The Winter's Tale, 2022 (trailer)

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